Probably one of the best places to look for a turkey themed token.

GOBLchain main image, turkey mascot with coins

What is GOBLchain?

Science-based 100% turkey meme token

It really has no utility I cannot stress that enough. You can trade it back and forth for other tokens on Pancakeswap I guess. It's built on the Binance Smart Chain as an BEP-20 token so it at least doesn't cost $90 USD to trade lmao.

Science-based 100% turkey meme token
Forget the moon we're goin' to Mars

Forget the moon we're goin' to Mars

We're following a patented and tried and true method for increasing the price of $GOBL. You see, first $GOBL is distributed in a liquidity pool against $BNB. Then folks buy $GOBL with $BNB, and use the $GOBL to buy $BNB in the liquidity pool. Thus creating a self-sustaining economy ♻.



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